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Ways to Get Involved

Drama Club

Performance Classes

Technical Classes

Weekly Afterschool Meetings

Students participate in Drama exercises and games and support the theatre productions. Participation can be casual or students can work to earn entry and honors in the Thespian Troupe. 

See the Thespian Troupe page for more information

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Drama I

Open to all students and satisfies the VAPA requirement for graduation and UC acceptance

Topics include improvisation, performance elements (voice, movement, staging), character development, storytelling, scene writing, basic design elements, and production evaluation.

Drama II / Advanced Drama

Open to 10 - 12 graders who have completed Drama I or have teacher approval (to receive teacher approval, student must have performance experience)

Topics include auditioning, character analysis, monologues, acting techniques, directing, and play writing. These are production and performance oriented classes.

Technical Theatre I

Open to all students and satisfied the VAPA requirement for graduation and UC acceptance

Also a CTE course to train students for careers as stage technicians

This is a hands-on class that covers stage safety, lighting, audio, sets, rigging, costumes, make-up, stage management, and non-performance careers in theatre.

Advanced Technical Theatre

Open to 10 - 12 grades who have completed Tech Theatre I successfully.

Expands students skills into designing elements of technical theatre and live production experience.

Capstone Technical Theatre

(internship or externship)

Open to 11 & 12th graders that have successfully completed Advanced Tech Theatre.

Students gain professional experience as a stage worker.

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